Dr. Danielle Bailey is an associate professor of criminal justice and the director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at the University of Texas at Tyler. She received a Ph.D. in Criminology & Criminal Justice from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (2015), a Master of Forensic Science from George Washington University (2010), and a B.S. in Forensic and Investigative Science from West Virginia University (2008). Dr. Bailey’s primary research focus is the impact of sex offender policy on individuals convicted of sexual offenses and their family members, including economic and marital strain, social support, and reintegration concerns. Dr. Bailey has testified in front of the Texas House Committee on Urban Affairs (HB 387, 2017) and the Nebraska Judiciary Committee (LB 290, 2015) based on her research in this area. She has published in multiple, peer-reviewed journals, including Criminal Justice Policy Review, American Journal of Criminal Justice, and Criminal Justice Studies, among others. You can find out more about Dr. Bailey’s research on her website at https://daniellebaileyphd.com/. She is also available on social media @DrBaileyUTTyler.